"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Sex Your Ex -- If They're Really, Really Hot .

100 things

in which hot, libidinous women are a good thing
2004-01-16 @ 3:36 a.m.

Y'know, a while back, I wrote an entry that I called "Do Not Sex Your Ex." Once again, once I get tired of being lazy I will make that a link. For now, if you don't know and you're curious, browse the archives.

But, I don't think you really need to. I stand by my previous statement. You should totally not sex your ex -- if it didn't work once, no real reason to assume it might work a second time. Plus, the point is don't sex your ex ... hang out and fall in love all over again if that's how the cards fall. I mean, it's still stupid, but that's allowable.

Yet I make one excpetion to the no-sexing-exes rule: Say you only dated someone for a really short time. Say you'd lusted for said person for quite a while (at least a year) and knew it was reciprocal, before doing anything. Say the sex was absolutely amazing, and you both obviously recalled that. Um. And say you're single, and so are they. And, even say the both of you seriously consider "being a couple" again.

Y'know, it's still a really stupid idea. Don't sex your ex, kids.

But of course, I mean that in the "Do as I say, not as I do," kinda way.


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