"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . What the fuck is wrong with me? .

100 things

in which we ponder what the fuck we were thinking
2003-09-05 @ 10:14 a.m.

So last night, as I was hitting the first night of the two-credit class I recently added to my new school semester (putting me at 14 hrs), and discovering exactly what passing this class will require -- allow me to point out here, I rather assumed a 2 credit class shouldn't really require very much work -- how could it? it's only two credits. Well, as it turns out it's only two credits because it's all crammed into a bit over a month's time. So as I was realizing what the coming several weeks have entailed for me, it did occur to me to wonder -- exactly what was I thinking when I planned out these next few months?

I have a job that is both physically and mentally draining. At plus-forty hours per week. And now I've committed to 14 credits of school. When exactly am I meant to study, considering 80% of my time is consumed by work or class? Well clearly, as sleep of at least a minimal amount is generally conceded as necessary, the only time left to sacrifce would be recreational time. This weekend, it would be nice to go out and relax, walk, bike, hang with friends or veg with maybe a few videos or computer game ... maybe see a movie, maybe get laid ... but such is not in the cards for me. I've a test, a paper, something like 15 chapters of reading (different texts), several worksheets, find an interview subject -- actually the first thing I have to do is sit down and figure out all the stuff I have to do and when it's due, because this entire month is going to suck if I want to keep my head academically about water.

Stangely amusing part? Several moments were spared last night discussing the grim financial future of psych majors -- somewhere after PhD we may expect to have some sort of decent earning potential, but with just a BA, really, we might as well suck it. Ah, the future's so bright I gotta wear shades.

Oh well, I have said I don't like my friends and am not particularly interested romantically with anyone I actually find extremely attractive or pleasant to be around -- we might wonder exactly how big a sacrifice me "free time" is in the first place.

Nonetheless, I've already smoked more this week, and I rather have a feeling that all the coming running-around will lend itself too easily to continuing this trend.

Ah, heroin be the death of me...


Passing Strange, Indeed
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- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
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Hey, Kim
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- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .