"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Do Not Sex Your Ex .

100 things

in which we remind ourselves that she is called "bad"
2003-10-09 @ 11:32 p.m.

Okay, so my leg hurts and my hands hurt and I've skipped a day of class and work and my Best Friend has now (some 7-8 months after I set the example) gone to see a psychologist. All that for later.

On the way to a little get-together of friends today, we came by an ex of mine, whom we call "Bad S." (tho not to her face) to distinguish from "Good S.", who is my Best Friend's Girl. We call to her, and in she hops.

Hanging out with an ex is weird. Particularly because, should we be honest, our most sincere motivation in hanging out is the possibility that we may one day knock those particular boots once again.

Bad S. was a lot of fun in bed, and we spent far too little time there for my tastes. Our stint together was short and tumultuous, due in no small part to the emotional problems that sent me to the psychologist immediately after. No joke, that relationship actually was where I said Okay, I Can't Deal Anymore.

So how insane that I sat there tonight wanting to jump her as soon as possible? She did break up with me, and she has said, "We should always have been just friends..."

But, when you know the chemistry is there, it's there, right? It was there from when I first met her, it was there the entire time she dated a friend, there the whole time they hated each other, and there the night our mutual irritation with him began our short stint together. Are we likely well-matched enough to be a decent couple? Probably not. We have nearly ten years of age difference between us.

But can we have a conversation with one another, and the whole time read in each other's eyes how much we'd rather be somewhere else and alone, free to communicate what words never could?

Well, yes. We can.

Of course, the utter stupidity of going to bed with someone who drove you insane once is not lost on me.


Passing Strange, Indeed
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...passing strange .