"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . You're Gonna Be Hungry .

100 things

in which we would really like some pizza
2004-09-12 @ 4:06 a.m.

You guys, I just realized something really horrible. I mean, I actually first realized this long, long ago, but really it's never applied to me before. I just realized that it's real for me too.

Ouch. Doesn't God know I'm special?

Okay, fact one: I'm overweight. Not way overweight, but I definitely have some extra poundage. I never liked the term, but probably "stocky" applies to me now. And I'd rather it didn't, so I'm working out again.

That's gonna help, but meantime I also know I can't just keep eating as I have been. Because the fact of the matter is, easy though as it was to gain the weight, it's easier to keep it than to lose it, once it's there. I mean, the body will try to maintain. Essentially, if you're overweight yet still getting some fairly regular exercise, and just eat whatever you want -- basically, you'll be an active person who just stays kinda heavier. I'm saying, unless you work out a lot.

So what I realized, is that I'm going to be hungry. Because in becoming more active, I'm burning more calories, but it doesn't help much if I happily replace every one that I burn. Fact is, I don't really eat healthy food. Honestly, I don't even know why I put "really" in there. Whether it's in fast food, restaurant fair, or my own culinary creations, the stuff I eat tastes fantastic and is really bad for you. And I like to eat a lot of it. So, I can either eat what I want, but limit how much I eat, or I can just stay a chubbier build of man. I don't think I'm liking the chubbier bit.

So yeah, I'm gonna be hungry, and it sucks. I have some really great pizza from this mediterranian place down the street that would really hit the spot right about now. But since I'm heading to bed, that wouldn't be the wisest thing. Nope, I can eat when I get up and head out for the gym, bright and early at the start of a new day...


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