"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . At Least I'm Still Sexy .

100 things

in which we suppose that should really be enough
2004-10-15 @ 8:49 a.m.

Man, last night at work really kinda sucked -- just not in the way that things typically suck, as it happens. I mean really, as far as placement of the whole scale of suckiness goes, I suppose getting more attention from the opposite sex than you know what to do with really isn't so horribly bad. Just more like disorienting, is all.

I was in a good mood last night, and I guess either that or a full more or something made me seem much more irrestible than normal. I met/flirted with a regular customer who I probably sitll wouldn't be able to pick out of a crowd if she hadn't finally introduced herself, found myself also flirting with a classmate who showed up, and you know -- no big deal, just random other people. Flirting is part of my job.

Then CG shows up, and throws the whole thing off kilter. Because now she's dancing and getting hit on, which really just doesn't amuse me greatly. And of course, it's not like I could say anything even if I wanted to, considering the random women who are hanging all over me. So fine, I just do my job.

End of the night, she's pretty wasted and has some guy who's following her around like a lost sheep or something. I honestly never got the impression she was too incredibly impressed with him or any of the others, but at least he was fawning all over her while I had a million better things to do. Anyway, her best friend was with them and much more sober, and I probably could have ended the night without being irritated if not for the dark horse chicks who I discovered making a final clearing round. Wow, but did one of those girls like me.

Yeah. Probably didn't help that she was pretty damned alluring herself, either. Yeah, I know my current love interest is standing right there, hovered over by some dude who thinks he's getting lucky tonight. How can I be jealous when this other young lady is just one step shy of making out with me?

Bah. Basically, I think my point is this: I'm freaking tired, and don't know why the fuck I'm even awake already. I'm going back to bed.

Happy Friday, diarylanders. Make it a good one.


Passing Strange, Indeed
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...passing strange .