"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Guess who got a DW! .

100 things

2007-07-05 @ 7:42 a.m.

I really, really, really suck.

In fact, I suck so much that I don't even think that I know how to spell "really" correctly. Yes, I am still drunk, but the real question is, why do I suck so much?

Y'know, the last time I thought I was getting a hold of things -- you know, the "career" was getting a bit overwhelming, but I'm feelin all, "I can handle this!" ... well, I went to the gym, and got my wallet stolen. Kudos to me! Try to take care of your body instead of poisoning it, see where it gets you!

Well, obviously I knocked that bullshit off. So I'm not a total hardbody. I'm still buffer than the average bear, and I'll be getting back to it as soon as I'm able to feel bored as opposed to overwhelmed, I figure.

So, I take three days off over the 4th. "Let's get out of super-responsible-mode," I says to myself, "And lets get with the lack of stress and actually dealing with the realness."

Nice intentions, yes.

Well, the 3rd was fun, but I left ending up like I wasn't being a very good friend to some peeps. The funny part? Most of them were all of the group I wrote about way back when I started, when I said, "My Friends Are Not My Friends"!

But, I'm lame and I really suck. So, I felt bad for only seeing those folks for a bit, and called them on the 4th.

I can't come to where you are, says I. But, being as it's now approaching 11 pm and I've recovered from the previous day, I think I will go out. Yes, you can join me.

LBF was the only person to join me. She took a cab to get to where I was, because she did not want to risk a DWI, as she'd been warned before.

She comes to where I am, we hang, eventually it's closig time and we go. To my place. Her car is elsewhere, because she took a cab to get to me. But, drunken me hears, after we've returned to my place, she must get home tonight. Okay. I'm drunk, and I'm an idiot, so why not?

Y'know, in the long run, I must acknowledge that I'm kinda glad I was not sober for the whole event. The sheer depressing weight of it all has still yet to hit me. How long does this shit stay on your record? Seven years after you're dead? Okay.

I've never been on the wrong side of the law in my life. I have three different DWI lawyers who will apparently call me today, as I wanted to consult everyone I could before I completed the whole process. Didn't help, as apparently the last drinks I'd had made my alcohol level even *higher* than it was when I was pulled over.

She was supposedly higher than I was. How they'd know that, I don't know. Fucking cops.

Still. I have to admit, I'm less than happy with LBF right now. My own fault? Sure. I knew I was drunk. I knew I shouldn't be driving. I didn't even consider the holiday. So yeah, I suck.

Still. Why the fuck do you *have* to go home right now? Isn't my place closer to where your car is than your place?

Misdemeanor, whatever. I could have happily lived my whole life without having a criminal record. On the one hand, we could consider the billions of times I've driven under the influence before, and say this is the reasonable wake up call to knock that shit off, and follow the same rules as any sane person.

On the other hand? Why the fuck did you need to go home at that point? Because I left with friends from your place the night before to get my car, instead of staying at yours?

Well, congratufuckinglations. I don't have the 2-3 grand I'm told I will need to get back to normal after this shit. So when I have to move 3 or 4 states away to live in my family's basement rooms? Yeah, I love you too.

Hope all of y'all are doing better.


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
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Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .