"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Aw, Crikey .

100 things

in which it's all such a drag
2005-02-10 @ 1:48 p.m.

Anybody else get confused sometimes about the "it's/its" difference? I mean, doesn't the apostrophe sometimes show possession, or am I misrembering that? Like, the dog bit me and took back it's bone?" Should that be "its bone?" That doesn't seem right. On the other hand, I know that "it's" is the abbreviation of "it is". Really, I quite lament this grammatical confusion. Time was, I was one of those irritating people who constantly corrected others, now I find I'm not even sure of proper uses myself...

Which is actually one of the little issues with CG, honestly. She misuses words kind of a lot, makes up some words, occassionally just mangles grammar. But, she doesn't want me correcting her when she does because she says it'll make her feel far less confident when talking to me ... which, y'know, I can kinda see ... myself really, I appreciate being corrected because then at least I know. But if you've always felt you weren't the best with words, and you feel like no matter how much you're corrected you never will be, I can see how being paranoid over when you'll make your next grammatical mistake could distract you from concentrating on what your next logical point is...

Anyhow I just got back from spending a couple hours out of town, visited a town sitting on one of the Great Lakes -- never been more far north, so I guess that's something, hm? I know, not much, but something nevertheless. Pretty enough town, I think it would be a lot prettier when hanging out outside is actually an option.

I gotta get cracking on some studying now, since the little vacation didn't allow for such tomfoolery and I have a class tonight ... also still unemployed, but that's looking up as I'll be turning in an application for the job GBF is leaving tomorrow, and I've a leg up on others due to his talking me up with his boss. All in all tho, CG is going to have to get okay with me needing lots of time in my life for things that have nothing to do with her, or else I can't see us lasting much longer. It would be nice if being in love meant you could literally devote all your time to one another, but in my experience things just don't work that way.

And hey, if you're reading B, my heart goes out to you. Hope you're doing okay.

That's all folks. Take care.


Passing Strange, Indeed
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- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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