"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Eat The Rich .

100 things

in which enough is e-freakin-nuff
2004-02-28 @ 2:53 a.m.

Saw a little news blurb on MSN today: A custom designed shower that costs about $120,000.

Now you know -- mostly, I try and avoid falling for all the "isms". You know, sexism, racism, nationalism ... or as applies in this case, classism. But I mean, come on. If you are self-indulgent and self-important enough to believe it's worth while to spend over 100 grand on a shower, sorry, but you're also too stupid and shallow to have that much money.

Like I say, I try, I really do try and avoid classism. But really, every single time I hear of some ridiculously pricey "luxury", I just think whoever pays for that should be swarmed over and devoured by all those less fortunate. That is, metaphorically devoured, as in take all their stuff. But y'know, if somebody actually wants to take a couple chomps out of em, I'd be willing to look the other way.

$200,000 bottles of wine? A single steak with a pricetag of tens of thousands? Not only should anyone willing to shell out for that be done away with, but whoever the hell is jerk enough to even create such a thing. Gah. While the rest of us worry about student loans and taxes and -- oh, I don't know, rent and food, and little trivialities like that -- how on god's green earth can you look yourself in the mirror if you spend $120,000 on a fucking shower?

It just aint right, folks. IMO, so long as there's suffering in the world, anyone who thinks it's okay to live that unreasonably lavish is really just begging for a stake in the heart.

"Vampire, you feed on the life of a pure heart... vampire, you suck the life of goodness..."


Passing Strange, Indeed
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...passing strange .