"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Follow That Meme .

100 things

in which we get some things off our chest
2006-04-28 @ 12:14 a.m.

I found this strangely cathartic:

Instructions - Write fifteen statements. Intended to different people. Never tell which one is to who.*

1. Wow, you truly are one scary, freaky person. Knowing what I know now, I could not possibly be happier that we never got horizontal. I'd honestly feel like I need to bath in bleach and peroxide if we had.

2. Thanks for being a friend. The music and the craziness was always fun. I hope you've found whatever it is you need -- I know I never had much of a clue what that was.

3. I don't think I've ever known as unpleasant a person wrapped in as charming a skin.

4. You've been unfair and unkind to us both. I hope one day you can heal whatever wounds make you who you are.

5. I forgive you. And I do understand. But I don't want to be your friend, because I realize I never really knew you, nor you me. And considering all the time we spent together, that's rather sad.

6. I'm sorry that fairytales are more real than reality for you. I know it's what we had in common once, but I can't be that way anymore.

7. For the love of god quit bitching. Nothing's that bad. Or at least bitch about today and let yesterday go -- and yes, I do know you'll never be able to actually hear when anyone tells you this. That makes me sad for you.

8. I loved the kid that you were. If I understood who you were becoming -- I doubt we ever would have been friends.

9. I still don't understand: if we could all see that you would one day shut down your heart and live a joyless, stifled life ... why did you go ahead and do it anyway?

10. You are brilliant but a real dick. Which means that, although I am happy that we got to be friends for a while, my initial interpretation of you was correct. And yes, I do realize this means that even now, I'm insisting that I'm right. But am I, so that can't be helped.

11. You've inherited the lies from your family, but it makes the truth that is your soul sick. Choose now, before you break in a way that you'll never come back from. And choose well.

12. I wish you all the happiness in the world, and I wish I could believe your current choices will bring you that.

13. You should have listened to me. I've never wished I was wrong more than I have for you.

14. Yes, I was in love with you once. It doesn't matter though, because you could never admit that you loved me too -- and yes, I do know that you did.

15. I was never in love with you. I'm sorry. I'm guilty of with you the one thing I've been accused of hundreds of times with others. I hope that my friendship has been worth more than the love I could not give you.

Well, I feel better.

(*Copied from osakamoment who got if from ottodixless who got it from tofalldivine who got it from darkportrait...)


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