"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Man With Two Jobs .

100 things

in which we may not be a total screwup after all
2006-04-25 @ 1:42 p.m.

So, it turns out I actually did get the job I was under-qualified for. Sort of. Because they are in desperate and immediate need to fill the position, I get the day-to-day responsibilities of the house, and a manager from another house will come by once a week to do the "manager" part -- paperwork and what have you.

It's funny because, even tho they were looking for someone with a Master's, I think I'd have the whole job if I was done with my Bachelor's. Which I kind of am, excepting of course the internship. Makes me want to just go ahead a get that out of the way, which I'd say is a good thing. Of course, I've called my school's internship office and the place I'd like to intern at and only gotten voice mail -- which we could call a bad thing.

How do I finish if no one's gonna help me finish? Jerks.

Anyway I start working today, in a little over an hour in fact. Yay me.

Oh, as it turns out tho I literally can't pay my rent this coming week tho. See, I knew there was a reason I hadn't tried to pay all those other bills for months. Keeping the vultures off, or keeping a roof over your head? Choices, choices.

In other news, I've watched the first disc of a season of Azumanga Daioh because I wanted to know what Becky was talking about here, and I have that thing where you can just enter whatever you want into your queue online and they'll mail it to you. And I gotta say, here I thought I knew all about anime, but I was wrong. It's not all people moving at superspeed and big energy fireballs, apparently.

It's funny, it actually reminds me a lot of a game I played on PS2 years ago, Megaman legends. Of course, that game also had superfireballs and giant mech robots interspersed in the story too, so again I'm kinda in new territory here.

It's kind of a different vibe from most anime I've seen, but I can recommend it precisely for that. Or, to put it another way: If Dragon Ball Z never appealed to you in the slightest (and that's some anime that was too over the top with the energy-ball-fighting even for me) you might still want to give this a shot. It's more a matter of characters interacting, as opposed to yelling something impressive-sounding before striking for a zillion hitpoints of damage...


Passing Strange, Indeed
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