"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . That's Why They Call Me Slim Shady .

100 things

in which we declare that we are back
2003-12-28 @ 5:02 p.m.

Woo. Not really a whole lot to discuss fer this one, really. Well, there is, but I'm not gonna just yet. A whole week back home and all the Christmas jazz woulda made for plenty o' updates, so of course I won't even try to recall all of that.

Nah, I'll fill in the stuff I remember later. For now I just wanted to say wazzup to all my peeps and verify that I didn't meet some grisly end within the last week or anything. In fact, for the most part it was all pretty fun. Got some stuff for Christmas that I really liked. Enjoyed hanging with tha family. Didn't hang out with anyone who annoyed me.

And y'know, if ya think about it ... that's really not somethin to sneeze at.

Hope your Holiday was as much fun. If not ... be sure to make New Year's count.


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .