"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . What Infernal Cheek! .

100 things

in which we shall not overlook this indignation
2004-10-08 @ 4:15 a.m.

So, okay. This past Monday, after being caught surprise by running into and staying up all night with my old/new friend, then being caught by surprise by my one take-home test taking like five hours to do just half of it, I missed a mandatory employee meeting at my job. "Mandatory." Yeesh. Yeah, I know what the word means, but frankly Shit Happens.

Wow, you know what guys? Honestly, I'm so tired and bored I can't really even be bothered to relate all the details of my work-related crap. Screw those guys, really. The long and short is that I honestly have been rather half-assed of late, so what passes for management at this place decided that I was suddenly their problem child. Geez, I hate when that shit happens. You know I've been being picked as Problem Child by various authority groups all my life? And really, anything I do tends to be pretty harmless?

Yeah, I could be working harder, but frankly I also could be paid more, managed better, and recognized for competency. I've been half-assed for me, which is still more effective than easily half the rest of the staff. But, I either work or space out with my own internal evolutions, so I'm an easy target for the ass-kissing-is-socializing set. Y'see, that always-smiling-and-friendly crap is for the customers, kids. I'm easygoing enough as far as my coworkers go, but you guys yourselves might notice exactly how much I seem to think about them in any degree of detail -- I didn't know befriending them was part of my job.

Well, apparently it is. After some big spiel the security supervisor gave at the end of the night Friday about the difficulties of the club and dissatisfactions with the security team, I decided to go in and talk to our GM Sat afternoon, since 1) I knew I'd alienated the guy well since he began during my stint with the broken hand, and I'd figured any responsibility for us to get all chummy could be left to him, 2) I'd been aware several times of incidents where he seemed displeased with me, but more or less just thought Fuck Him, at the time, and 3) This week I'd added missing the meeting and being considerably late another night to my list of transgressions. So fine, I'm not so big I can't acknowledge my flaws, I went in to say I was a contrite little worker, and can't we all just get along in the workplace?

And the answer was yes, but I'm pissed nonetheless. Because in view of the whole thing now, I realize that the whole spiel on Friday night was really all about me. Not the whole security team, just me.

And instead of just talking with me individually about it? For some reason, many talks amongst many people and vague policy announcements about to restaurant as a whole seemed the reasonable way to go about it.

Jumpin Jiminy, folks. Really, I'm neither that problematic nor that scary. I mean seriously, I'll either do the job or I won't, and besides being irritated by drunk frat-boy types the job really isn't that hard. And how can many discussions about me possibly seem more effective than a few conversations with me?

What the hell is wrong with people?


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .