"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . For The Love Of Vagina .

100 things

in which we love what is good
2005-01-23 @ 12:27 p.m.

Well, I was thinking about something kind of odd the other day. Actually, that's not so horribly true ... it's not like I was just thinking about this the other day, as if it's never occurred to me before. Nope, I'd say this train of thought is pretty familiar to me, really probably about as familiar to me as the spelling of my own name...

I am speaking, of course, of my own heartfelt and lifelong love of vagina. But the thing that's really interesting to me is how incredibly odd that sounds to say out loud. I mean, besides the fact that nobody outside of maybe doctors (and probably not even them) actually goes around using the word "vagina".

But leave that aside for a second. Okay, well maybe not completely -- the thing is, I don't know that there is one societally agreed-upon word besides the precise anatomical term that is certain to offend no one. Which, really, is part of why all this is so interesting to me. On the guy side, we can pretty well feel safe to say "dick" instead of "penis". Actually there's probably several other terms you can use that wouldn't offend anybody, but I'm pretty sure we're safe with my first choice here. On the other hand, it has seemed in my life as if women are more or less split down the middle ... um, that is some women would prefer "pussy" if you're going for the nonprecise term, and some would rather "cunt". What's most interesting to me about that is that it's generally seemed that preference for the one word comes hand in hand with a real dislike for the other. So whatever, I can't really say it makes me no nevermind what we call it, but that's why I'm just gonna go ahead and say "vagina", because at least we all know what I'm talking about there...

But right, what's endlessly interesting to me is how it all seems so incredibly socially inappropriate to talk about any of this at all. I mean, our intersexed/transgendered siblings aside, we're all carrying one or the other of these naughty bits around underneath our clothes at all times, and it's not like it's any kind of secret.

More to the point for myself here, tho -- we are all also carrying a real, deep down appreciation for what about half the rest of us have stowed away in our Calvins, too. (Okay, I admit I have no idea what kind of jeans are so incredibly popular these days. Sue me, I wear whatever cost me the less. Anyways...)

I'm saying, I've heard not a few women in my life in candid moments point out how much they really love dick. Or, more precisely, I've heard most of them say, "I like _____", in which the blank can be filled with a meaningful nod, shrug, grunt, or any of a number of other ways to allow them to say it without making them have to actually say it.

So I'm thinking, is the weird part that it seems so very nonspecific? I mean, it's one thing to say, "I love your ____". And while that may well be true, odds are that someone won't love yours if they don't have an overriding fondness for that kind of equipment in the first place.

So what, is it just a function of our heavily puritanical society that actually just stating a generalized affection for the genitals that so nicely compliment your own should seem so incredibly taboo? Is the idea that, should any of us be caught saying such a thing, then we're stuck with claiming we really like them all, even the ones attached to people we find inherently hideous, even the ones that aren't even washed or taken care of properly?

See, that doesn't follow to me. I mean, I'm allowed to say I like women, without having it assumed to mean that I feel exactly the same towards every woman, regardless of all the particular varying characteristics that may make one woman absolutely mouthwatering and another not so much...

So it that the problem, then? We're all worried that if we say we like a particular brand of genitalia that it should mean we have no ability to differentiate between any one set of those and all others? Well, that's just pure silliness, I say. I will declare to you here and now, it does not matter how many times I've heard, "It's all pink on the inside", not all vaginas were created equal. And obviously, this goes for all penises as well.

So basically, where I'm going with this is that I think it's about time that we opened up a new era of dialogue, one in which the discussion of our various naughty bits and as well the discussion of our affection for those bits should be allowed out into the open, free from any sort of shame or guilt ... after all, from one perspective we could consider it really rather inevitable that such affection should develop, considering that we're talking about body parts specifically designed to give you pleasure...

Which, after all, could also be part of why we don't discuss these things, right? Like, there's no reason to say it when it all seems so incredibly obvious, right?

Well, in answer to that I will offer one of my favorite websites, which I myself might have called "All you ever wanted to know about vaginas but would never have found it socially convenient to ask." I absolutely love browsing this site, it's a veritable cornucopia of stuff that I probably didn't necessarily need to know but would have wondered about regardless otherwise.

What's very interesting to me about that site, tho, is that it doesn't seem like it's there for just your random curious male reader. Instead, it seems far more like a thing for other chicks as well, which I suppose just speaks to the overwhelming sense of mysteriousness or whatever inherent in the female set of genitalia. I mean, could there possibly be enough unknown to warrant a sucessful mypenis.net? Hey, if you think so let me know, maybe I'll go ahead and throw that out there...

In the meantime tho, honestly I think that's part of what I love about the vag. Really, it shouldn't seem to be anywhere near so complicated a thing. Yet somehow, even apparently owners of such body parts may need some sort of extra info or manual on what they were just born with...

I dunno, in the end I really don't suppose I have any hardcore points to make about all this, other than that I just find this stuff interesting. I mean, I find it interesting that we can obviously all have whatever particular feelings we have about such things, but what we can't do apparently is talk about it.

So, if you've not been particularly posting a lot of late, write an entry or two on this subject (any aspect of this subject), I'd obviously be quite interesting to read on it.

And finally, allow me to say that if, by some outside chance, I've somehow managed to offend you in all of this -- well, lighten up. I'm just talking about your naughty bits after all, and it's not like we don't all have them.

Happy Last-O-Yer-Weekend, kids. Make it a good one.


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