"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Of Course, Naked Ladies Always Helps .

100 things

in which we preach the gospel
2003-11-20 @ 12:07 p.m.

Hey, you know -- I had a dream last night where The Cure played a major part ... it's funny, because I don't think it was really The Cure, as in the dream this was a band I was really, really into and I've never been so into The Cure. I just think it a bit odd that, whatever band/singer I was making up stories about in my subconscious, The Cure was the one that came to mind.

I don't really remember most of the dream, but it was kinda a flashback to my music-snob days ... you know, music's pretty important to me, and I've very definite tastes and aversions, but when I was younger it was probably a bit out of hand. I simply couldn't respect someone who didn't A) greatly value music, enough to have definite preferences, and B) have preferences for music that I respected.

For instance, country may be your thing and not mine, but if you like George Straight, Johnny Cash, or Willie Nelson, fine. On the other hand, if you're over-the-heels impressed with Billy Ray Cyrus or ... I don't know, any other of the talentless pop/country armada, then you're not. My musical opinions haven't changed much, but I'm a far more tolerant person. I'm saying, I wouldn't even feel like I could relate to you if you had bad musical tastes, like I'd even hesistate to talk to you much -- unless it was to tell you that your taste in music was crap, and that I could probably suggest better versions of whatever kind of music you like. And if you don't like any kind of music, you're soulless and a philistine.

So yeah, I dreamed I was acting that way once again, and about The Cure. You know, plenty of my friends were Robert Smith supporters, and in theory I had nothing against them, but honestly I never even owned a single cure album. So I don't know -- that bit of dreamtime just stuck out to me.

Other than that, things are continuing more or less as they have been...

Oh, here's something I don't think I'd ever mentioned, though I meant to -- actually, I'll probably write a whole entry (or more) about it sometime, but for the moment it's yet another aspect to help paint what my life looks like.

Loyal readers will recall that I count myself as having two "best friends", one of whom I've refered to here usually as Best Friend, and the other usually as "my lesbian friend" or "B." -- well, B's cool, but this tangent aint about her.

I will say that she and I have been close for maybe 4 years, whereas Best Friend and I have been best friends since early high school, which is probably why I give him the "title", as it were. I believe I have mentioned before that he's hella cool and all -- really, irrascable as we can both tend to be, it's really rather impossible that we could be so close for so long if we weren't both pretty convinced that the other was real money, you know?

In high school, for some reason, people referred to us as one another's "alter ego". We've always been the kind of friends that, if there's something about one of us that only one person in the world knows about, most people would have to guess it would be the other of us. And by and large, the guess would have been right. (Foreshadowing note: Unbeknownst to most however, this would not include sexual matter. Myself, I've never really been much of one to kiss and tell -- um, till this diary, that is, I guess. Well, anyway. I don't particularly tend to share such details, and if anything R. [Best Friend] is even more private about such matters than I am.)

(I just ended a sentence with a preposition, didn't I? See, I used to be good at grammar, but it was intuitive -- I couldn't necessarily tell you what a preposition was, but I still never used to end a sentence with one. Yeah, I guess I'm slipping...)

But, um ... yeah, the point was going to be that Best Friend was married for about ten years, the first ten out of high school, and has only been out of that relationship for maybe a year and a half. He's been in a new one for maybe 8-9 months. But the funny part? These days, I'm kinda convinced he's gay. And maybe doesn't know it.

I won't say much more about the topic, because believe it or not I've actually brought it up to him, and as he has not much to say on the matter I shouldn't either. Though I should point out that technically, he still seems to stand on his being straight.

But yeah, the odd thing is that we've been best friends all this time, and I'd never even considered it a possibility for most of this time ... I'd say the first suspicions were somewhere around a couple months before he left his wife, and they were probably pretty solid within 4-5 months after he did. I did not, however, have the balls to bring it up to him till just within the last couple of months ... though in fairness, this would mostly be because I know him and know that there's no persuading the boy, you just gotta roll with what he's willing to deal with. In the end, I think I only ever mentioned it anyway because I'd started to feel I was being dishonest with him, if this was something I was thinking and not saying.

Um. So yeah. That's about that -- while one of my best friends is a lesbian who's been out for years, the other may or may not be a gay man who is still in the closet.

Which -- eh, I don't know how big a deal that is. I mean ... I don't know, I'm not really so sure how, if at all, that should make a difference in our relationship. Though for myself, I should say -- as his closest friend, I've always been bothered if something seemed to bother him. And quite honestly, I just don't think he's ever going to be happy with a woman. So it's kind of weird for me to interact with he and his current girl. Because they both seem kinda miserable a lot, and I just wanna scream, "GEE, I WONDER WHY?!"

Eh. We all live our own lives, and really -- what the fuck do I know, anyway?

So. Oh, right. I've talked about everything but what I intended to when I began this entry. But I can't continue at the moment, so (though I'll probably elaborate on this later) I will just say the point of what that diatribe (the one I haven't written) was going to be: If you're a straight guy (or bi guy/girl, or lesbian, I should say) in most every sense, a naked woman is always a Good Thing. I sure this will come as a surprise to absolutely no one.

I was just thinkin about it, tho -- I don't recall when, I think it was last weekend, one of my friends (female) was saying she didn't get what was the big deal about seeing women naked, seeing as you can get pictures of naked women pretty much anywhere. She mentioned something about the uber-presence of naked female flesh online.

And she's right about that. Plenty of pictures of naked girls and boys available for anyone over eighteen, and for probably plenty who are not.

But it's not really the same, is it? Nah, one of the guys at the table agreed with me. Bare female flesh in your actual presence is a hundred times more enjoyable than two dimensional records are. In fact, we might easily hypthothesize that the reason there's so many pictures is really because the actual presence would be so fantastic.

So all this to say -- if you're a girl and you've a friend who's a boy who's kinda down -- flash him your boobies now and again. I mean really -- how should that not cheer him up?


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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