"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . My Previous Point .

100 things

in which we clarify in a drunken manner
2004-10-27 @ 2:57 a.m.

Okay, please -- and, to the irascible young lady who's called herself cottoncunt and everyone else -- no, my questions really aren't rhetorical. I do feel like I'm a smart guy, but I also often feel like I've absolutely no idea what's going on ... so if you read a question here, I absolutely do welcome any answers at all. Who knows, you might be the ray of enlightenment for my darkened soul...

So, right -- why is it that, as far as I can tell, women want and enjoy sex pretty much on par with men -- and yet, men are somehow at blame for having wanted the sex in the first place?

Don't get me wrong -- there's a whole world of wrong that can be attributed to men, and I'm fully aware of that. But something I've seen, time and time again in my life -- seeing/experiencing it right now, as a matter of fact -- men and women want sex, enjoy sex. Yet somehow, women come out in the end feeling guilty about sex and blaming the guy for the transgression.

What the fuck? Really. I mean, I have known women who have not guilt in the slightest about sex, and actually run pretty roughshod over all the senstive boys who stumble across their path. And those women deserve, I suppose, some persecution of their own -- but hell, at least they're straightforward.

Longtime readers will remember my whole issue with people thinking I was a player or whatever a while back. I think I figured out finally that really that was less a condemning thing and more an admiration thing -- I think women were saying at least they know what they're getting into with the asshole jerks who are in it only for the booty. All the other guys just leave them wondering what the fuck is going on.

But ya know? We can't really tell you what's going on if we're not all that sure ourselves. Yes, we want to have sex with you. Besides that -- can't we just work this out between the two of us?

CG just keeps asking me, "What are we doing?" and "Where are we going?"

What the hell am I, an fortune teller?


Is it really such a bad thing that I want to sex you up?

How 'bout a simple solution: You don't want me, I go away. You do, we can decide how that's somehow not such a bad thing, just between the two of us.

Fair enough?


Passing Strange, Indeed
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- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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