"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Back To School .

100 things

in which we weren't doing nothin else anyways
2004-01-12 @ 3:03 p.m.

Ah, the beginning of a bright new semester. Ya just gotta love it.

I've a science class and a math class this semester. Traditionally speaking, I have hated mathematics... and of course, I've also then rather hated science, as you don't get very far into science without doing some math.

Now, allow me to clarify -- when I say I hate these things, it surely isn't to say that I actually hate the whole concept/discipline or anything -- it would be a pretty shitty world without mathematics and science. I just mean that I hate doing either one. So my hat's off to those of you who for some reason enjoy that stuff.

Honestly, unlike with most every other type of class, I have not been able in the past to take math-oriented A's for granted. In fact, as this is my biggest academic weakpoint, I'd be happy with a B and ecstatic if I earned an A ... but, a C will do just fine, really. When you really hate doing something, it's kind of hard to expect or deliver a good performance at it.

Eh, my other class is a writing class, and I'm thinking I shouldn't have to work on that one at all. It could, like the acting class from last semester, go from being the class I expected to be easiest to the class I doubted I would pass... but really, for a General Education writing class? It's only three credit's, for Christ's sake -- if that class sucks, I'll just drop it.

Eh. I'm only so far as considering getting ready to go to class -- I haven't even bought my books or anything yet -- and yet, somehow: already tired of these classes.

Yep, I'm feelin pretty cheery these days.

In other news, I probably really should get a job. That is, I actually need to. Not just for the cash, really, but just because these days I expect to be relaxed and comfortable way too much. Out in the Real World, you're meant to be stressed out and trying to get to a place where you're comfortable...

Which reminds me of a joke I told recently (it's an entry here, My Favorite Joke, natch) where all of the people who heard it just kinda went, "... hunh..." which I actually found pretty funny.

"Well, I think that one's hitting a bit too close to home for some of us here," one of them said.

"Well. It's really kinda close to home for everybody," I say. "That's pretty much why I like it. It's Funny 'Cause It's True."

"It's also very Eastern in thought..." my friend J. muses.

So there you have it. Apparently, I've been reading (and undoubtedly misinterpreting) way too many Eastern religious/philosophical texts.

Well, darn it. Guess it's back to superhero comics, then...


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .