"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Sissy .

100 things

in which we call a spade a spade
2003-12-19 @ 6:56 a.m.

Y'know, in the previous entry, there was the caretaker (forthwith to be as Ball-Licker) who woke me from a nice nap to yell at me like I was an infant because someone (owner) had supposedly yelled at him.

It wasn't really even -- not a lot of entries ago, when I was talking about kindness. The Value of Kindness I believe I called the entry, and the point was that random, casual kindness or meanness are not irrelevant in this world.

So, after I calmed down enough to be fairly certain I could speak with him without promising to do him physical harm, I called him back. And, he didn't answer. So I waited a bit, and called again. Again, he didn't answer.

Okay, I thought, well apparently I can be woken up but he can't be bothered. And of course, it's quite likely because he can guess why I'm calling. So I resolve to let it go.

But, I call again in about an hour. Something reminded me about it, and I got mad again. Still no answer. Feh. Not gonna spend my night pissed off because he's a dickhead, right?

Try again about two hours later, and finally get him. First thing he says?

"... oh... I'm in the hospital ... yeah, I just got surgery ... you know, I'm on painkillers and stuff and just out of it..."

Yeah right. Asshole. So I try and be "sympathetic" (don't feel sorry for this douchebag -- the surgery is cosmetic. if he were going under the nice for, say, a malignant tumor, it might be different. wait, no it wouldn't. if you can be bothered to call me and dress me down, you can be called back to allow you to snivel like a little bitch in penitence.) and yet I'm still working towards making my point, namely: The next time it enters your head to speak "sternly" with me, really, just don't do it. If it came down to you from someone else, have that person speak directly to me.

See, this is the part where it was so hard for me, originally, to say this in a nonviolent way. Because, in my head, I can't help but add: ... Because the next time you raise your voice to me, I'm going to break your fucking fingers. One at a time, with a claw hammer. I will flay your skin off with a filet knife. I will punch your head down directly into the cavity of your body and let you drown in your own organs. I'll completely remove your head from your body, and pour 5 gallons of crystal drain-o down the empty hole of your neck. I will breath second hand smoke directly into your face. And years from now when I see you on the street, I will pretend I've never seen your sorry ass before.

Fucking asshat.


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .