"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . We'll Just Skip That Part .

100 things

in which we are uncharacteristically quiet
2003-12-12 @ 2:26 a.m.

Oy. Ya know, true to their loyal and lush-like selves, many of my friends were ringing me last night, as they knew I should be done with classes now, and I hadn't seen any of them for over a week. You know, the celebratory phase of finals, really.

But no, I just slept. And I mean -- my brain needed this sleep. Needs more, in fact. I've had some really trippy dreams, and I can only theorize that it's my mind resorting and reprioritizing -- having locked myself into hardcore-schoolwork mode, I'm really kind of disoriented now that the work is done.

I mean, I couldn't even want to play a computer game, even for a minute ... which, in the general sense, is probably a positive, but considering that wanting to play is really normal for me ... yeah, I'm not quite myself again yet.

Oh, a bunch of stuff happened in the last week, besides school stuff, but I've decided it's too much bother to try and dredge it all back up. Yeah, I will deny you all about a week of fantastically insightful genius-like musings.

Hm. One thing tho, I'm pretty much a walker again. I mean, even in normal shoes. I do use a cane usually, but that's because I'd rather have a cane than simply limp.

So -- oh, one other thing, and then we'll just say that absolutely nothing else happened in the past days.

A very nice woman explained to me that there was a good as well as bad use of the word "player". She says that a guy that you see sort of flitting around talking to a lots of people (particularly lots of girls) and who is quite likable, charming, and sociable would be the non-derogatory use of the word. For instance, she says I'm a player because I'm good with words -- says I talk a lot, am bright, and seem obviously savvy when it comes to women.

(Okay, I'll just let the obviously savvy part slide. 'Cause any loyal readers here should know better.)

On the other hand, a "bad" player would be one who is only interested in one thing (sex), and who will do whatever it takes to get a woman into bed -- including either subtle or blatant lies. Apparently, the key factor that makes a player of this stripe bad is that he will come off as being sociable and friendly and interested in what a girl says -- when really, he's only interested in her as one more notch on his conquest list. This would be a guy who at any given time has several different women he is "playing" (until they figure out what he is) and every time he talks to a woman it's really only add her to the bunch.

Now, I pointed out that, considering that one of these people would be a fun and interesting person to know, and someone women would love, and the other someone women would wish something horrible upon, maybe there shouldn't be just the one term for them both?

She agreed with this point, yet added that the problem is, as a woman, you need to be on guard -- because if a charming, interesting guy starts talking to you, you have no idea which kind of player he is -- and, according to her, if you give the "bad" players the benefit of the doubt, nine times out of ten they will convince you that they are sincere, and then just introduce all kinds of fucked up mind games into your life.

So ... I dunno, at this point I believe I will stop sweating the player thing. Certainly, I think when people use the term about someone they do not know well, they mean it in the derogatory sense. (What's weird about that: If I'd just met a woman somewhere, then kind of casually point out that I know she's a slut, so shouldn't try to pretend she isn't ... yeah, she would have to right to be offended.)

But in the end, people can either like you or not, they can either be open to knowing you or not. And really, I suppose we might say that anyone who judges who you are before they have any clue who you are wouldn't really be anyone we should care to know anyway, right?

Ow. See, that was too much for me. I will now sleep another 24 hours.

Happy Friday, kids.


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
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Hey, Kim
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- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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