"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Speaking Icelandic .

100 things

in which we have studied a bit, and now must do otherwise
2003-11-24 @ 1:09 p.m.

Yeah yeah, I'll be doing something about the ticket soon enough.

And, by "speaking Icelandic" I am A) not meaning something else, as in "turning japanese" and B) fully aware that the language is not actually called that.

Whatever it's called, I recalled something I'd left out about the Iceland girls that was vaguely bothersome. The whole time I was with them, unless one of them was speaking directly to me, they would speak in their native tongue.

Now, obviously I can see how this makes some sense. If I were in another country with a friend from the US, and we both spoke whatever language was native there, undoubtedly when talking to each other we would still speak english.

But as we all know, often enough if people are yammering on in a language you don't understand in your presence, the tendency becomes to imagine they might be talking about you. And, considering the circumstances of my time with these two, I think it really quite likely that I was the topic of conversation, at least some of the time.

But whether I was or wasn't, I think that's just kind of rude. If there are three of us, and the two of us who speak a particular language speak that language almost exclusively in the presence of the one who does not -- wouldn't it seem, in the least, that that third person's thoughts on the topic are seen as completely irrelevant?

At the worst, not only would your thoughts be irrelevant, but we can't really even be bothered to let you know what we're talking about. Kinda like not saying "vet" around a dog who has learned the word.

Hm. Well then. With that I must be off, so I can go be all productive and shit. You know it's funny -- a bullshit $100 ticket actually can be quite motivating.

It's kinda like Jack Burton said in Big Trouble In Little China, when those guys had just bodychecked him while grabbing the girl at the airport: Sonafabitch must pay.

Which sonsabitches I can make pay I'm not really so sure about yet. But hey, I'll clue you in as soon as I figure it out.

"It's me against the world, and ain't go shit to lose..."


Passing Strange, Indeed
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Hey, Kim
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