"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Not Playing .

100 things

in which we are just a little
2005-11-20 @ 2:52 p.m.

Well, well, well, look where we are. Less than a month left of Fall semester, and Strange has almost half of one class completed. Yeah, just one. Ah, feels like home.

I have been slowing getting to work tho, thus having half of one class done. I mean, I have one paragraph of a paper left and that will constitute approximately half the points of the class accounted for. Yes, I am planning on getting perfect scores on whatever I turn it -- this procrastination crap would never work otherwise. Wait till the last possible moment to get something done, freak out over having no time left for mistakes or tomfoolery, and churn out work that's better than what you would have done if you'd just been ahead of the game in the first place. The Passing Strange recipe to success.

Of course, it does occur to me that a few eyebrows may raise in confusion as to exactly what I mean by "success", in consideration of the story I've laid out over the last couple years here. To which I will respond, success is relative. If you've been thrown into a cage with a starving tiger, success just might be getting the tiger to notice something, anything really, other than you for just a few seconds. Okay, so it's not quite getting out of the cage. But hey, I'm nothing if not patient. And persistence.

Resistance of my charm is futile, I tells ya.

Um, except when it comes to CG, who I saw for the first time in months last Friday, and who I mistakenly had over to my place with just the two of us for this reunion. I ordered food, she brought wine, we ended up spending most of the night making out. Yeah, but just making out.

Hey, another small success! I used to think "blue balls" was a myth made up to get women to put out. Well, ya learn something new every day.

In other news, I have some newer friends than those I typically used to write of here, and I suppose one of them has potential for romantic entanglement. Actually I'd say two different ones at least did, but I met one when I was still with CG and one right as we were breaking up ... so you know, it's kind of hard to go from not-even-looking-because-my-girlfiend-is-insanely-jealous to lets-be-more-than-friends. I dunno. Really, it's not like I have time to think about these things.

And there's the rub, right? I wish I could just play my online RPG -- there's teammates and online friends and such who are in virtual danger without my support, dang it. Um. Your know, if you're in a virtual world virtual danger is nothing to sneeze at. Regardless, it's nose to the grindstone time once again, so ... you know, I'll still go out several nights a week, it'll just be more purposeful stress-releasing at this juncture as opposed to all that woo-hoo partying nonsense.

Remember the words of the wise man: All the world is schlock.

Y'all take care now.


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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...passing strange .