"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . Not So Bad .

100 things

in which, sometimes, we must realize things are relative
2005-04-20 @ 12:50 p.m.

"A 2002 survey by the University of Chicago, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, asserts that, in all age groups, one in four American women does not enjoy sex, and one in three men across age groups thinks he is sexually inadequate."

I dunno, I was just browsing around when I came upon this little gem. You know, headlines about sex are always nice distractors when you're trying to avoid doing something productive.

Twenty five percent of women simply don't enjoy sex? Dang, but that's depressing. And really, I'd imagine that the third of guys who feel inadequate can't be having too great a time, either -- I had a buddy once who told me of a girl he was about to have sex with who, upon seeing him naked, laughed and said, "Oh my god, I've never seen a guy so small..." or something to that effect. I'm thinking, any guy who actually took something like that to heart wouldn't be too likely to actually sleep with even that girl, let alone be willing to pursue anyone else. So I'd guess that feeling like you don't measure up sexually (pun only slightly intended) will pretty much equal not enjoying sex.

So anywhere from 25-33 percent of all of us don't really get much from one of life's most simple, basic, and greatest pleasures. All in all, makes dropping out of school seem slightly less catastrophic.

I called one of my professors yesterday, but it was fairly late in the day (especially for academics) so I only got to leave a message. And he hasn't called back, so I guess I'll be heading over to campus later. Thus far, I've spent hours trying to decide whether I should allow myself to go to the gym first (which would inevitably put me in a better, more balanced, mood) or just go straight to campus. It is not lost on me that had I simply gone to the gym in the first place a while ago, I could be on my way to campus now. It is precisely this kind of timewasting that has helped me screw up so masterfully thus far...

On the brighter side of things, CG slept over last night and that was cool. Before this, we actually hadn't seen each other for several weeks, which I acknowledge was really my doing. But really, in the end I think this seperation was probably for the best. You don't want to be having a rocky relationship with someone while other major aspects of their life implode. Because then you run the risk of seeming like your rocky relationship was part of why things went so screwy...

Which, realistically, it may have been, seeing as how emotions and activities and all that don't tend to be perfectly comparmentalized in our hearts and minds. Or to put it another way, anything that is not part of the solution is part of the problem...

Anyways, enough stalling for me, here. I think I will go to the gym afterall. Yes, school should be the priority but I happen to personally know the anxiety that has defeated me when I've come close to addressing these issues most recently. Burning off extra energy and getting all stretched and active will be a good thing, and I'll be heading to campus today regardless ... what's a few hours late when you're already half a semester behind?

In the meantime, I leave you with these words of wisdom: "When the pigs try to get at you, park it like it's hot..."

Have fun, now...


Passing Strange, Indeed
- 2008-12-16@12:44 p.m.
- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
What's New
- 2008-05-20@11:16 p.m.
Hey, Kim
- 2008-01-18@9:18 a.m.
Christmas Was Weird
- 2008-01-03@8:11 p.m.

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