"normal" was a few blocks back...

. . AwRight -- Let's Try This Again .

100 things

in which we will watch out for slippery steps
2004-02-23 @ 5:57 a.m.

Well, it is 6 am and I am awake -- and, for a change, it's not because I've been up all night and am about to go to sleep. No, I actually just woke up. However, to accomplish this amazing feat, I stayed up all Sat. night, went to the gym Sun. morning, and pretty much conked out yesterday around 1-2 pm. Yes, I actually slept right through till this morning. As I've said, sleeping is one of my great talents. Honestly, I could crawl back into bed a grab a few more hours. I mean, I actually was still having very good dreams and all.

But no. (No more) rest for the wicked. Well, at least not till 10 pm or so. For I have like to fairly difficult papers that I must turn in tonight (both late, btw), and today is my first day of orientation at my new job. The place opens the following Wed, which is actually my birthday, but I don't have to worry about working that day, as Wednesday is a school night for me. Okay, they may want me to work during the day Wednesday, but that would just irritate me.

Anyway, this would be full time job/full time school, take 2 for me. Some may recall that last semester, the first time I went for it, I somehow managed to break an ankle pretty early into the semester. And yeah, I'm still pissed about that part. Have an appointment Thursday to have an orthotic made, so it won't hurt to walk and should help finish up the healing. (For those wondering, no I didn't break my ankle at work or school -- yet somehow, it still seems perfectly reasonable to me that I should blame these coinciding circumstances.

So it's good because the job should be neither as boring, frustrating, or demananding as the job I had last semester. I actually kind of suspect I'll probably like working there. Sadly, I am hella behind with schoolwork, thus the paper(s) that are due late tonight, the one that's due Wednesday, and the two homework assignments due for Thursday. And of course, our first stat. test is Thursday, too.

Y'know, I think I was lying when I said I could sleep some more right now. Okay, maybe if you twisted my arm. But really, I'm quite excited at what comes next in my life. Which really, if you think about it -- can't complain so much then, can I?

Happy Monday, folks.


Passing Strange, Indeed
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- 2008-05-28@10:47 p.m.
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